Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cold Rose

When there are so many flowers you taking care….you forget to warm your own Rose….


Anonymous said...

My God, what is this all about?
How many times he will hurt you again?
Wake up Marina!

You are a very stupid man, Rodney. You don’t know what you just lost!
Whatever you think negative about Marina, none is true!
You think Marina flirt with me, it just to cover up your mistake because you flirt other girl. Don’t throw your silly mistakes to Marina! She chooses you over me, even recently she still not wants to be more than friend with me.

Marina, why you delete all postings? Stop following what he asked you to do! Don’t let your self being intimidate by a shallow minded guy like him!
Whatever he said and asked you to do, don’t break our friendship! I always respect your choice and decisions, even though many times I not agree with them, but if you cut friendship with me and with other friends simply because his shallow moron way of thinking, I really not agree!

Anonymous said...

Kalau pertanyaan gue bikin lu makin stress, gue minta maaf. Tapi apapun yang terjadi, kalau lu butuh apapun, kalau lu butuh teman bicara, atau orang yang hanya diam mendengarkan, lu bisa datang ke gue.

Mungkin lu males dengarin ini lagi, tapi sebagai teman aku tetap akan bilang bahwa lu pantas dapat yang lebih baik, yang menghargai dan mencintai lu. Lu udah berkorban perasaan terlalu banyak ke dia, saat nya lu tinggalkan dia untuk selamanya.

Anonymous said...

First you deleted the evidences, now you deleted all postings and end friendship with all your friends who really care for you. Dont let other people take control of your life, Rose. Its really a blessing to know you, I hope I can have a chance in future to know you more.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Monitor de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Anonymous said...

Halo mbak, aku gak sengaja nemu blog ini waktu aku sedang blog walking. Butuh waktu berjam-jam utk mencerna jalan cerita di blog itu.

Pertama maaf ya mbak kalo aku ngomong ini, tp kan gak baik berantem di blog apalagi kalo bahas masalah pribadi. Malu lagi mbak =)

Dari yang aku tangkep kayaknya cowok itu tebar pesona ke banyak cewek ya. Apa mbak malah gak merasa beruntung udah lepas dari cowok itu?

Trus ada yang namanya Ita. Itu temennya mbak ya? Saran saya hati-hati mbak kalo pilih temen. Seorang teman yang menjelek-jelekan temannya dipublik itu sih bukan temen namanya. Mungkin maksud dia baik mau membela mbak, tapi caranya bukan begitu.

Sekali lagi maaf ya mbak saya komentar begini. Saya gak kenal mbak, saya gak tau masalah mbak, saya juga gak kenal temen mbak. Itu hanya kesimpulan setelah saya baca semuanya =)

Rose said...

Hi Karina (whoever you are),

Thanks for your comment :)
Anyway, where did you blog walking to? To this site? Funny, cus this site not give any information, how you know that whole story? You’ve been blog walking to Nita’s? Weird too…cus I like blog walking too, but usually I just read recent posting, not old postings…unless I knew the owner of the blogsite.

And fyi, I didn’t fighting on the blog, I said the truth. If after told the truth, people still not believe, its none of my biz anymore. Anyway…it’s a long old story…funny how it coming back again now.

And fyi…I stopped comments months ago, I also deleted my postings…so why come now? I have much better and peaceful life now…at least I don’t have to deal with tons of girls who said bad about me while they even not know me.

As for friend, I think I know my friends better than you. As you said, you not know me, and you not said you know Nita too….so I think you completely stangers who know nothing abt anything. And my friend Ita, I know she wont talk bad abt me behind my back, unless maybe the blog owner somehow “change” the comments or post uncomplete comments which make it sounds like that. Btw….I just checked Nita’s blog, I didn’t find any bad comments of Ita against me or trying to make my name as bad…so how you know? You said you just blog walking? You not know Nita? Hmmm….funny and weird *thinking* :) , But… thanks anyway….Have a nice day :)